剛看了 Heroes S01E01 Genesis,光看題目都能大概猜到是說甚麼。
「物競天擇,適者生存」,生物隨著基因的演變不斷進化,人類亦然。世界上開始有些發現了自己異於常人。有的水火不侵;有的擁有「人肉 Teleport」;有的曉飛;有的會預測未來;有的可以在鏡內分身(?)。除了這些準 Heroes,還有一個為追求真相鍥而不舍的印度教授。
尤愛這一段:印度教授 Mohinder 來到紐約以揸的士為業,遇上正為「覺得自己會飛」而感到困惑的 Peter。
Peter: Do you have ever get the feeling like you are man...ah...do somethings extraordinary?
Mohinder: I am driving a cab...you may have noticed...
Peter: No, I am not talking about what you do. I am talking about who you are. I am talking about being special.
Mohinder: Yes! We are ALL special.
這還未算,之後幾幕又回到日本一酒吧,Hiro 為了向友人証明自己有 Teleport 的能力,趁友人走開時把自己 Teleport 到女厠,結果被人攆走。兩人在酒吧門口吵了起來。
Hiro 的朋友:There are twelve and a half milion people in this city. Not one of them can bend space and time. Why do you want to be different?!
Hiro:Why do you want to be the same?!
Hiro 的朋友:Because that's what I am. The same.
Hiro:It's what we all are. Homogenous. Yogurt.
Hiro 的朋友:Ah?? Yogurt?!
Hiro:You don't understand, I want to be special.
Hiro 的朋友:We are not special!
跟著再補上一句:We are Japanese!
美國人全部 Special;日本人全不 Special,認真惡搞!
星期五, 9月 29, 2006
Heroes S01E01 Genesis
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