在 slate 上讀到一篇題為《This Is My Last Entry - Why I shut down my blog.》的文章。雖然其主旨是在於叫人家「Stop blogging, start writing」,當中有幾句,倒是說得好「中」。
Not revelations by any means, but I live alone, and blogging was a way to vent the daily ups and downs that might otherwise be told to the cat.
Thus the blog that I started, thinking no one would read it and secretly hoping they would. The blog was the perfect bluff for a self-conscious writer like me who yearned for the spotlight and then squinted in its glare. When I needed to pretend that people were reading, I could. When I needed to pretend that nobody was reading, I could.
At times, I started to feel that jokes and scenarios and turns of phrase were my capital, and that my capital was limited, and each blog entry was scattering more of it to the wind, pissing away precious dollars and cents in the form of punch lines I could never use again, not without feeling like a hack. You know: "How sad. She stole that line from her own blog."
與家人關係比較疏離的我(也沒有養猫),寫 blog 是一種分享,亦是一種宣洩。但除此之外,骨子裡,還是希望得到他人的認同。
在網絡大同的 internet,你可以得到的最大認同,不就是人家抄襲你的文章嗎?
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