漂書之樂,源起於上世紀六十年代的歐洲,浪漫的年輕人在書背貼上一張小標籤,寫下自的地址,然後把書放在廣場、咖啡店及戲院門外對公共場所,任由有緣人取走閱讀;小標籤上寫了文字提醒有緣人,讀完後,最好照辦煮碗,給下一位有緣人取分享,任何讀過此書的人皆可寫封信給本最先擁有者,自己讀後感,也好讓擁有者知道書本的最新下落。到了二十世紀,有了互網人(互聯網之筆誤?),有個叫做 Ron Hornbaker 的美國人建立了一個「漂書網」(www.bookcrossing.com),令漂書動結合了虛擬和現實,玩起來更有效率、更有味道。
4 則留言:
hi, i've been reading ur blog for a while. i really enjoyed reading ur posts :]
To gloria
Thank you for your comment!
This is the first time I know that there is actually someone reading my blog!
Have you read the blog for my trip in Dubai as well?
haha, well, yeh, theres actually someone reading ur blog. n i guess im not the only one. there r many ppl who read blogs randomly. anyways, i couldnt get into ur other blog somehow (ur trip to Dubai).
I can sure that you are using IE, and you can only see a blank page, right?
Many of my friends have also mentioned the same problem.
Well, that's the problem encoding. Indeed, all you need to do is selecting the correct encoding manually. Here are the steps:
1. Right click on the blank page
2. goto "Encoding"
3. select "Unicode"
4. Done and enjoy!